Monday, December 8, 2008

The little things...

I have been more aware lately of the little things. The things that in a crazy hectic day you could walk right past and miss the 'lil blessing. Yesterday during church Hannah layed her head on my lap and began to intertwine her fingers into mine and measure her hands next to mine. As she continued to do this I began to realize how important my role as mom is. You see this little girl is watching everything that I do, how I treat her daddy, how I treat her brother, how I treat her and how I treat others. That's quite a bit of pressure. I want her to find a love that I have with Jesus, and I hope that she will only measure herself by HIS yard stick and not the worlds. For a long time I used the worlds ruler and you know I always came up short. So as I go about my daily walk, I am aware that she is watching me and if I keep my eyes on HIM she will see His reflection...

That's quite a reflection to have on a cold Monday morning, knowing that so many things have to be completed today...and then I go for my grocery list and menu and I find another "little" thing and this time I am cracking up see every Sunday I make a 'menu' for the week, I don't assign days to the meals but I make sure that I have all the ingredients in the house for the meals on the list. So imagine my enjoyment when I see that the kids got hold of the menu and assigned days on certain meals and put N/A on others!! LOL I guess now I know that on those days the kids will be dining on cereal! LOL So you see, don't close your eyes and miss the little things!!